7 Measures To Value Product Design
This program focuses on measures that characterize or quantify good design in the eyes of customers and users. While some measures also have utility for internal purposes such as product quality, reliability, and cost, this program centers on how customers, users, markets, and the investor community regard the products.
[The Product Design Value 7-6-7 Plus Series: 3 of 3 - COMPLETED on May 9, 2019]
6 Ways To Reap Value From Product Design
This program focuses on opportunities to increase the value of products, portfolios, and brands that have been robustly designed. We will discuss six different opportunities, and quantify the size of the economic opportunity for each. These opportunities are all have double-digit potential to increase revenues and profits, and single digit for market cap. In some cases, incremental monies will be needed to realize the augmentation potential of the design or design-leverage ability.
[The Product Design Value 7-6-7 Plus Series: 2 of 3 - COMPLETED on April 11, 2019]
7 Ways To Create Value With Product Design
The program focuses on opportunities to design-in capabilities that will enhance the appeal and increase the value of products from their point of purchase throughout the product’s life cycle. We will discuss seven different opportunities, and quantify the size of the economic opportunity for each. The least opportunity represents a 20% increase in revenues unto itself. The several large opportunities represent upwards from 200% increases in revenue and profit from the same design effort.
[The Product Design Value 7-6-7 Plus Series: 1 of 3 - COMPLETED on March 14, 2019]
8 Actions That Increase R&D Spending Output
This program focuses on factors that will positively influence spending and spending performance. All of them are within your control. Does your company have its arms around these? We describe eight actions ranging from good CXO behaviors, to data sciences and digital posturing, to timing new product announcements and actively competing for awards, that increase output and outcomes.
[The R&D Spending Performance 8-8-8 Webinar Series: 3 of 3 - COMPLETED on January 10, 2019]
8 Metrics That Quantify R&D Spending Performance
This program focuses on key performance indicators [KPIs] that have R&D spending in their calculation. The metrics range from corporate metrics that are either reported to Wall Street or used by analysts and CFOs, to measures that help to divvy-up funds across business units of different purposes and performance levels, to measures that improve the ranking of investments, to measures that can be used to modulate overspending or underspending for corporate and industry considerations.
[The R&D Spending Performance 8-8-8 Webinar Series: 2 of 3 - COMPLETED on December 6, 2018]
8 Conditions That Impact R&D Spending Results
This program focuses on factors that will negatively impact spending and spending performance. Some of them are controllable, some are not. We discuss eight conditions ranging from spending decisions in boom and bust periods, to overspending and underspending, to the impacts of variable spending and negative events on output and productivity, that lessen output and outcomes.
[The R&D Spending Performance 8-8-8 Webinar Series: 1 of 3 - COMPLETED on November 8, 2018]
8 Practices That Boost Corporate Innovation
This webinar focuses on eight processes, tools, and techniques that are known to increase innovation creativity and execution, and/or the value of investments in innovation, in corporations. Some are strategic and soft in nature, such as communication and messaging. Some are tactical, such as combining products and IP in business plans. Others are process-oriented and spur raw innovation or the early detection of errors.
[The Innovation Performance 10-9-8 Webinar Series: 3 of 3 - COMPLETED on September 27, 2018]
9 KPIs That Capture Innovation Performance
This webinar focuses on nine Key Performance Indicators [KPIs] that together capture the lion's share of overall innovation performance. These nine KPIs span investment levels, innovation levels, execution ability, productivity, and overall business performance.
[The Innovation Performance 10-9-8 Webinar Series: 2 of 3 - COMPLETED on August 23, 2018]
10 Techniques That Achieve Breakthrough Innovation
This webinar focuses on ten differentiable techniques that have evolved since Clayton Christensen first coined "Disruptive Innovation" in the 1990s. These ten techniques are all disruptive in some way across the spectrum of disruption: Breakthrough, Disruptive, Radical, Transformational, New-To-The-World, New-To-The-Industry, and Next Generation.
[The Innovation Performance 10-9-8 Webinar Series: 1 of 3 - COMPLETED on July 26, 2018]
Measuring Product Development Productivity & Performance
This webinar provides an overview of the content of the Masterclass to be given at the Moller Centre at the University of Cambridge in England on October 4-5, 2017.
[April 25, 2017]
An original recording of this webinar may also be found on YouTube.
An original recording of this webinar may also be found on Planisware’s Site, our sponsor.
The original registration page for this now completed Masterclass may be found here.
R&D Metrics For Manufacturers: Measuring Your Productivity
This presentation is geared to folks in manufacturing and high tech operations and production functions to provide an overview about what R&D and product development are doing to measure their organization. This presentation is a post great recession update of the original 2009 Lorman webinar.
[April 3, 2014]
The brochure for this now completed webinar may be found here.
The table of contents for this now completed webinar may be found here.
A recording of this now completed webinar may be purchased via Lorman here.
Product Development Metrics For Manufacturers: Measuring Your Productivity
This presentation is geared to folks in manufacturing and high tech operations and production functions to provide an orientation about what R&D and product development are doing to measure their organization.
[August 12, 2009]
The brochure for this now completed webinar may be found here.
The table of contents for this now completed webinar may be found here.
"R&D Productivity"
American Productivity & Quality Center
... R&D Productivity Webinar... Houston, TX... June 3, 2004
"Proactive & Predictive R&D Metrics [PPRD]"
Corporation... Webinar Series... Minneapolis, MN... October
22, 2002