Private Research GroupsSM
GGI works with private research teams of individuals from sponsor companies to investigate subjects of common interest for the purpose of advancing the state of thought and practice on specific business topics.
GGI facilitates the content development for our sponsor companies, does the administrative and analytic work, and produces the report for the team. Team members provide planning input, complete questionnaires, provide analytical direction, travel for site visits if the study requires them, review emerging results, and participate in the final report discussion.
GGI draws upon our vast pool of information gathered over more than 30 years of consulting, our own proprietary industry-wide surveys of product development practices in North America, and conducts study-specific research if required by the study Charter.
Sponsor companies are generally all known to each other. But, there also blind studies which arise when competitors in the same industry agree it is the best approach. In this latter case, GGI redacts all corporate identification information and companies receive generic names.
Private Research Group (PRG) participants access study information via their password-protected area on this site.