Measuring Product Development Productivity
Since 2005, when we held our first Metrics Summit, the structure of the Summit has remained the same. But, now a decade later, near 100% of the content is updated; as are the course books. Last year, folks that had attended our initial Summits started returning for an update. They were not disappointed. If you participated before 2012, almost 100% of the material will be new to you - except standardized project metrics that have existed for fifty years and will exist for the next fifty years.
Latest Updated Content
Just this past year alone, updates include a number of new CXO-level metrics that hit critical mass in 2015 and 2016. And, we have a fresh look at the Top 100 Metrics used in industry. The great recession created significant change in the metrics corporations use to drive productivity and performance. This new information is statistically accurate.
Plus, with all that is going on in the world, the science of measuring Risk is getting increased attention. Most companies, ERM system or not, have little actual knowledge of the business, portfolio, and product risks they face. We have taken the view of a CFO for the advances in risk metrics that we will be presenting.
New-To-The-World IoT Metrics
The Internet of Things [IoT] is evolving rapidly. The IoT affects the product lines and process environment of just about every company, yet no one is seriously measuring the IoT at this time. In ten years there will be two types of companies, those adept in IoT and those that will get bought by those that are adept. To that end, as GGI has done in each decade, we have been developing forward-looking new-to-the-world metrics for critical areas where metrics do not yet exist.
We will be rolling out IoT and IIoT Metrics for the first time at the 20th Metrics Summit. The new module will be presented during the Workshop; along with our more recent modules on Intellectual Property, Advanced Development, and updated Functional/Technical Competency metrics for product development.
In the years ahead, it will be necessary to measure IoT prowess at the top of the organization, and at the VP R&D-Product Development level. It will be necessary to measure IoT capabilities added by projects, and those delivered in products. It will be necessary to measure the IoT abilities of professionals as relates to their functional and technical responsibilities. And, of course, it will be necessary to measure IoT improvement efforts. We are not sure that everything we have created will become mainstream over the next decade, but we have a track record for the last thirty years of being among the first to anticipate the next waves of metrics.
Much of our developmental work becomes mainstream. The most recent example of this is what we did to tie both Advanced Development activities and Intellectual Property into Product Development, and then into Sales and Profits. We are not allowed to tell you which companies adopted, but they did attend our Summits and you know their names.
In short, this Summit covers everything an executive needs to know relating to measuring R&D, Advanced Development, Product Development, Innovation, Technical and Functional Competencies, R&D Productivity, R&D-related Intellectual Property, and now the IoT. We will connect the numerous metrics going three levels deep into the R&D-Product Development organizations to the handful of KPIs needed by CEO for financial reporting and investors in a single one-page portfolio.
The selections of metrics are different for every company, and highly strategy dependent. You get what you measure. Don't worry, you'll get to include any of the metrics you measure today in your final workshop solution. Bring your current list of metrics with you, if you choose. We are not trying to replace what you are doing, but to make it better. GGI is consistently told by leaders, who enter believing that they have strong metrics, that they have a great many things they are going to discuss doing and undoing when they get back to their office.
GGI's Track Record
GGI has been a recognized thought leader in measurement since the early 1990s. We have introduced more than a handful of metrics that companies use today. We have played a role in making a number of great metrics, created by others, become mainstream across industries.
For the past eighteen years we have done primary research on corporate, project, technical, functional, innovation, productivity, and IP metrics being adopted by corporations. For the past twenty-five years we have kept our finger on the pulse of what is being done by others, and on emergent metrics that haven't significantly penetrated industry (yet). This "knowledge over time" enables participants to determine a competitive advantage set of KPIs and their necessary supporting measures. Our Summit is as close as you will get to internalize the metrics body of knowledge in a single event. Every Summit is current.
Please Join Us
Senior executives wishing to put themselves and their colleagues in a better position to direct and drive product creation and commercialization should strongly consider attending. Many participants have said, "this Summit covers everything an officer and senior manager needs to know on the subject of Metrics."
Our 500+ page full color coursebooks provide an excellent reference in the years following the Summit to immediately refresh one's memory.
Please join us. Our content is stimulating, our discussions are lively, and the teamwork during the Workshop makes for lasting relationships with colleagues who deal with many of the same professional issues and challenges.

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[an error occurred while processing this directive] Extra Early Bird Rates , effective through the close of business on Sunday, April 1, 2018, save individuals $405 per person.
Company Teams of three or more people save $405 per person off already discounted Company Team Rates.
Should you choose the Two Seminars Only option, please do stay with us for lunch on the second day!
The third Seminar & Workshop begins after lunch and continues into the third day. New material [including Advanced Development, Intellectual Property, and Functional Competency Metrics] is covered while participants are crafting their own desired portfolio of metrics. We encourage folks to participate in the entire Summit!
Please join us. It is easy to [an error occurred while processing this directive]