A Letter to Visitors

Dear New and Repeat Visitors,

Thank you for visiting GGI’s site, and for your patience as you arrive at this page.

GGI was among the first small companies in the 1990s to stand up a web site.

Then, in 1997 we launched our own custom-built internet store in a relationship with Authorize.net to secure all transactions and information. Starnet Corporation, a brilliant systems company with MIT street-cred, envisioned and built an architecture and interface that has withstood two decades of technological internet advances and still functions flawlessly. As Authorize.net grew into one of the major providers, and continued to advance its own secure technology, the store has never needed to be touched.

The years do go by. GGI's site grew to over 1700 pages. There are a dozen mini-sites that are all highly interconnected. Ten years of newsletters finished the interconnections. A number of external organizations are linked to the site as well. Our loyal colleagues and customers have bookmarks.

A two-year project ending in May 2015, by an appreciative former Northeastern COOP student who assisted us as he began his career, advanced the entire site to CSS technology, styled pages, and proper navigation bar construction. Like clockwork, our internet store continued flawlessly. GGI’s “The Wisdom iStore” runs like a top. But, it has an old look, old name, and old user interface. Replacing an internal store filled with items is not an easy matter you know.

Nevertheless, it is now time for a major website and systems upgrade.

In February 2018, we engaged Interaction Developers, whom we have known for years through a mutual alliance, to assist us in the complex, paced, and gradual unwinding of our site and numerous mini-sites over the next many many months. Don’t you think they are doing a great job so far?!

Thank you for your patience! We hope your experience with our new site appearance and navigation is a positive one! Please let us know either way!

We appreciate your visiting our site. We hope you will come back many times.


Bradford L. Goldense

PS: Note for Repeat Visitors: Many of you are used to navigating GGI’s website of many years. We have created a URL entitled “Legacy Home Page” at the lower-left in the footer on every page of the new site.

PS: Note for Repeat Visitors: Not everything will go forward. If there was something you were particularly attentive to, we would appreciate your letting us know. There is a place to send us messages in the footer on every page of the new site.

GGI Site Under Construction Page | R&D, Product Development, Innovation, Metrics, Seminars