Executive Edition: Brad Goldense on Judging the Inaugural LEAP Awards
Design World's VP, Editorial Director Paul J. Heney chats with Bradford L. Goldense, one of the 18 judges for this year's inaugural LEAP Awards. Goldense discusses the challenges of such an immense undertaking, as well as some of the technology that most impressed him. [November 8, 2018]
The original Design World podcast, which also contains a lightly edited transcript, may be found here.
A PDF of the lightly edited transcript may be found here.
Executive Edition: Key Trends In Product Development: Strategy, Prototyping, EDA, Organization.
Strategic horizons are shortening, many companies go hand to mouth these days. Rapid prototyping and 3D printing are upending long-practiced product development processes. Engineering Design Automation [EDA] is getting smarter all the time, and is increasingly integrated with prototyping and manufacturing process protocols. [February 21, 2018]
The original Design World podcast, which also contains an article, may be found here.
A PDF of the article may be found here.
Is Open Innovation Just Another Word for Outsourcing?
Open Innovation techniques are getting a lot of attention because they promise to drastically speed up the process of bringing new products to market. But is OI just a buzzword of the times? [September 11, 2014]
The State of R&D - Product Development Metrics: An Interview & Discussion With Brad Goldense
In this 40 minute interview with Alex Cooper, President of Management Roundtable, Brad Goldense discusses the progress that organizations are making on measuring innovation, the growing importance and value of intellectual property, emerging predictive metrics and on the need to link development metrics to overall corporate strategy. [August 21, 2009]
"Ken Rayment, Industry Report - Part I"
Podcastnews.com ... Better Process Podcast... Ft. Collins, CO... April 23, 2008
"Ken Rayment, Industry Report - Part II"
Podcastnews.com ... Better Process Podcast... Ft. Collins, CO... April 23, 2008
The CEO's View On Measuring Research and Development
In this 70 minute interview (followed by 13 minutes of Q&A) with Alex Cooper, President of Management Roundtable, Brad Goldense discusses a number of metrics that are likely of interest to the CEO and other C-level executives to measure the collective contributions of R&D and product development to a company as a whole. [September 14, 2005]