7 Ways To Create Value With Product Design
Program Description
The program focuses on opportunities to design-in capabilities that will enhance the appeal and increase the value of products from their point of purchase throughout the product’s life cycle. We will discuss seven different opportunities, and quantify the size of the economic opportunity for each. The least opportunity represents a 20% increase in revenues unto itself. The several large opportunities represent upwards from 200% increases in revenue and profit from the same design effort.
For each of the value creation opportunities during product planning and design we will provide a bit of history, describe the current status of the opportunity, provide facts and figures on the size of the revenue/profit and/or market cap opportunity, and offer our best thoughts on speed and progress in the years ahead.
The Plus in this 7-6-7 Series program will touch on how miniaturization of design, next generation motors, and a couple more topics will also begin to influence product design.
Bibliographic references are provided for the numerous cases and examples we cite to enable all participants to further their investigation on the subjects of specific interest.
There will be two polls.
-Demo Recording | 3 Minutes | 7 Ways To Create Value
These demo recordings of recent webinars and courses give viewers an idea of the subject matter by sharing the cover and table of contents of the document used in the program. You will see how we set the stage as we begin. You will get an idea of how we package the full-length recording, and the music we add, in 3 minutes. Some folks say that our numerous complete bibliographic references, with the URLs, of the sources we cite, saves them hours surfing the web to find accurate and reliable information. Check out the demo. Get the full length version. Please click on the TV screen at the bottom of this page and it will bring you to the GGiSTORE.
Program Agenda
A Historical Look At Design & The Next Coming
7 ROI-Generating Values & Techniques
- Design For IIoT & IoT
- Big Data Analytics Design
- UI & UX Design
- Industrial Design
- Sustainable Design
- Design For X
- 3D Additive Design
- PLUS - Miniaturization, Motors, More On The Horizon
What Lies Ahead?
Bradford L. Goldense, President, GGI
Brad Goldense has been focusing on the strategies, tactics, and operations of product management, development, and manufacturing since the 1980s. He has authored over 300 publications and consulted to over 200 companies across the world. Some 500 companies have participated in his seminars and masterclasses. Mr. Goldense holds a BSCE from Brown University and an MBA from Cornell University; along with professional accreditations in new product development, engineering, manufacturing engineering, production and inventory management, and computing. Brad taught in the Executive Masters in Engineering Management program at the Gordon Institute of Tufts University for nineteen years. He has appeared on World Business Review, CNBC, and PBS.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Purchase Complete Recording | 1 Hour
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Better your ability to use product design to gain competitive advantage.