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2000 R&D-Product Development Metrics Survey"Portfolio Management and Strategy Practices"The purpose of the 2000 R&D Metrics Survey was to determine industry's new product development portfolio management practices. How do companies manage their new product portfolios from product idea to market launch? To cover the subject matter thoroughly, the questionnaire was designed to secure the following information on several aspects or facets of portfolio management:
The 2000 survey questionnaire was quantitative and primarily targeted at advanced R&D practitioners. Many companies chose not to participate, we believe, because their business measurement processes were not sufficiently mature to generate the information sought by the survey. Approximately 14,600 questionnaires were distributed and 122 were returned for a response rate of 0.82%. About 50% of the responding companies came from the aerospace, automotive, consumer products, durable goods, electronics, industrial and medical products industries. 55% of respondent companies had sales revenues less than $250 million and had less than 1000 employees. 90% of the respondents sell, develop and manufacture in North. 2000 Research Questionnaire Documents
2000 Research Findings Documents
General Information About GGI's ResearchIf you participate in our primary research you will receive a copy of our "Summary" document described below. You may also elect to purchase prior reports we generated from prior research. Participants who submit complete questionnaires will receive a copy of our "Summary" document which will be on the order of 30-50 pages in length. It will contain factual observations, analysis, and graphical results of every survey question across the survey population. We are well aware of how busy everyone is. We will give you back a comprehensive set of results in recognition of our appreciation for your time, interest and expertise. If you decide to purchase prior reports, you may choose the one that's right from the options described below. These reports contain the results on how companies, typically North American industrial and high tech companies, responded to the questions; along with observations, analysis and key findings written by GGI's research team. Our "Highlights" Report contains in depth text of these results; our "Summary" Report adds extensive graphics, and our "Detailed Results" Report further adds five special cross-section analyses of the survey data: Public vs. Private, High-Tech vs. Low-Tech, Large Revenues vs. Small Revenues, Many Employees vs. Few Employees, and Process vs. Repetitive vs. Discrete vs. Job-Shop Operations. You can buy a Hard Copy[h], or a soft copy PDF with an associated Corporate[c] license enabling you to post the document on your corporate intranet and/or VPN for the use of all employees. Click here to go to The Wisdom iStore to purchase these reports. GGI surveys industry approximately every two years. We are experienced primary and secondary researchers. GGI Primary Research Projects![]() |