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2008 R&D-Product Development Metrics Survey"Innovation Processes, Tools & Top Corporate Metrics Practices"Every two years since 1998, Goldense Group, Inc. [GGI] surveys industry on product development practices and metrics topics of current interest. Questionnaires are sent to a wide distribution of product development professionals in industries ranging from industrial and medical products to aerospace, defense, electronics, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, in North America, Europe and Asia. GGI's 2007-2008 Product Development Metrics Survey on Innovation Processes, Tools, & Top Corporate Metrics Practices is primary research that focuses on five areas where there is significant industry activity. Respondents complete an 11-page questionnaire covering their demographic information and the following five areas: perceptions of companies' innovation environments over time, the utilization of innovation processes, ground breaking work on companies' innovation "identities", the usage of 67 innovation tools, and the current rankings of the top 86 corporate metrics used in RD&E today. Results of this ground breaking primary research are offered in three reports having increasingly detailed views of survey observations, analysis and key findings, with insights into new developments and trends. These reports are a text only executive-level Highlights Report (MR41), a text plus extensive graphics middle management Summary Report (MR42), and the Results Report (MR44), the most detailed version with added multiple "cuts" of the report into a variety of segmentations of the respondent companies. The 2007-2008 Survey QuestionnaireGGI's 2007-2008 Metrics Survey contains six sections, each comprised of a number of questions. The purpose of Section A is to be able to categorize the respondents into logical analysis groups. The remaining five sections are the focus of the 2007-2008 research. Section A: Respondent Profile: The basic questions asked are title and functions performed of the person completing the survey, the type/scope of the reporting organization within the company, the company's industry or service, and places in the world the company does sales, R&D and manufacturing. Also asked are questions that categorize each company within the population of companies that responded to this survey. This provides the ability to do "cuts" of the entire survey population data into segments, such as public vs. private, smaller vs. larger sales, more vs. fewer employees, high tech vs. low tech, and process vs. repetitive/discrete vs. job shop companies. Section B: Innovation Environment: This section focuses on employee perceptions of the innovation environment in their workplace. Four areas are investigated: Strategy, Relative Emphasis, Relative Training, and Relative Investment. First, the respondent is asked for their perception of current business strategy that ranges from a new-to-the-world innovator to a company that specializes in being late to market with a better value equation. The last three questions seek relative responses over time to investigate perceived changes in Emphasis, Training, and Investment. Section C: Innovation Processes: This section investigates the range of innovative activities performed by the company, ranging from exploratory Research to more the certain Product Development activities. Having identified the current range of innovation activities, respondents are then asked to categorize the degree of process documentation associated with the range of practiced innovation activities. Identification of the number of separately documented innovation processes is the outcome of this section. Section D: Innovation Identity: This section investigates the means that companies use to give an "identity" to their product development process. Four areas are investigated: Message, Nomenclature, Branding, and Practices. The respondent is first asked for their perception as to whether the identity given to their product development process emphasizes creativity over execution, or vice-versa, or balances the two. Next, the respondent is asked if the identity of the process has changed in the past five years and how it changed. Third, the degree to which the company attempts to brand the product development process is investigated. Finally, the degree of formalization of innovative practices and activities is queried. Is innovation in the background, or are attempts to innovate required? Section E: Innovation Tools: This section investigates the innovation tools and/or software that companies use during product development processes. GGI has identified 250 Innovation Tools through a secondary research process of which we believe approximately 67 are readily available to be accessed. These tools cover a wide range, spanning "self help," "group help," "structuring information," "sharing," "increasing domain knowledge," and other applications. Respondents are asked to identify which of these 67 tools are currently available to employees, and to what extent they are used. GGI has no implied, actual, or any form of business interest or relationship with any tool providers listed. Section F: R&D Metrics Used In Industry: This section investigates the metrics companies use to measure their R&D process and overall business results. The same single question is asked as in GGI's 2004, 2002, 2000, and 1998 surveys. Identify the R&D metrics that are "in use" at your company. The four qualifications for "in use" are that they are measured at least annually, be visible to all members of top management as active/ongoing tools, numerous people in the organization have easy access to the results, and that there is consistency in the method used to calculate these metrics from year to year. 2008 Research Questionnaire Documents
2008 Research Findings Documents
General Information About GGI's ResearchIf you participate in our primary research you will receive a copy of our "Summary" document described below. You may also elect to purchase prior reports we generated from prior research. Participants who submit complete questionnaires will receive a copy of our "Summary" document which will be on the order of 30-50 pages in length. It will contain factual observations, analysis, and graphical results of every survey question across the survey population. We are well aware of how busy everyone is. We will give you back a comprehensive set of results in recognition of our appreciation for your time, interest and expertise. If you decide to purchase prior reports, you may choose the one that's right from the options described below. These reports contain the results on how companies, typically North American industrial and high tech companies, responded to the questions; along with observations, analysis and key findings written by GGI's research team. Our "Highlights" Report contains in depth text of these results; our "Summary" Report adds extensive graphics, and our "Detailed Results" Report further adds five special cross-section analyses of the survey data: Public vs. Private, High-Tech vs. Low-Tech, Large Revenues vs. Small Revenues, Many Employees vs. Few Employees, and Process vs. Repetitive vs. Discrete vs. Job-Shop Operations. You can buy a Hard Copy[h], or a soft copy PDF with an associated Corporate[c] license enabling you to post the document on your corporate intranet and/or VPN for the use of all employees. Click here to go to The Wisdom iStore to purchase these reports. GGI surveys industry approximately every two years. We are experienced primary and secondary researchers. GGI Primary Research Projects![]() |