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Q39 - Survey Confirms An Emerging Market for Innovation Tools While Existing Tools Still Focus On Execution

Fast Track, Management Roundtable, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
February 6, 2009

Description: Goldense Group Inc. [Needham, MA] published its fifth biennial research study on leading practices in R&D/Product Development in May of 2008. The latest survey focused on innovation: its strategies, tactics and operations. This article begins a monthly series presenting select findings from the GGI Survey. In the innovation tools portion of the survey, GGI investigated the market penetration and degree of use of generally available tools for enhancing innovation. From a larger list of 250 innovation tools identified by GGI, the questionnaire presented respondents with a list of 67 tools deemed "generally available" in the marketplace. The research found the market for innovation tools is still emerging; although tools that enhance domain knowledge represent the future of this marketplace, most of the current tools are still focused on innovation, reports GGI.

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