A81 - Goldense On R&D-Product Development - Innovation-Enabling Tools and Software for Individuals and Product Pipelines
Machine Design, Penton Publishing, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
August 15, 2013
Description: The thirst for innovation in western corporations has been steadily increasing since the mid-1990s as leading companies first identified and began reacting to the change their competitive posture to compete in a soon to be global world.
Everything from mapping the thinking pathways of the brain, to artificial intelligence and combinational molecular chemistry, to plain old fashioned sitting at one's desk and thinking through a problem are active areas of study.
Right now, there is enough knowledge available to talk about early market results. There us not enough knowledge to know what the best long-run enablers will turn out to be as we do with six-sigma, lean and other maturing initiatives.
That said, around three-hundred tools are available to companies today. Some are gaining traction. Offerings span self-help, group-help, and sharing and structuring knowledge. The most expensive tools can actually increase domain knowledge, regardless of your technical or product domain. For purposes here, we shall focus on the economical tools.
This article is an ongoing column in Penton Publishing's Machine Design magazine entitled "Goldense On R&D-Product Development."
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