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A73 - New Research On Product Development & Innovation Management: Innovation Identity

2PLM e-zine, John Stark Assosicates, Geneva, SWITZERLAND
September 8, 2008 -- Pages 1-2

Description: This article is Piece 3 of a series of 5 articles that will be written in the Summer and Fall of 2008 for the Europe-based 2PLM eZine newsletter produced bi-monthly by John Stark & Associates out of Switzerland. GGI�s 2008 Biennial Product Development Metrics Survey, published May 15, 2008, is structured into five research areas and one article is written for each research area. An introduction to this series of articles has already been published and it may be found in the Quotations section of The Wisdom iStore [Q34]. In summary, six articles including the introduction will be published in 2PLM that discuss the 2008 survey findings. When the 2008 series is complete, the set may be purchased as a set at a discount in the �Bundled Publications� section of The Wisdom iStore.

The five research areas of the GGI 2008 Biennial Product Development Metrics Survey are:

  • Innovation Environment: business strategy and the degree of importance, training and investment in innovation
  • Innovation Processes: innovative development activities and degree of documentation
  • Innovation Identity: range of internal and external branding and corporate nomenclature
  • Innovation Tools: tools and software that companies use to innovate in development
  • Top Corporate Metrics Used in Industry: the most popular metrics companies use to measure and manage R&D

ABSTRACT For Piece 3 � Innovation Identity:

The survey investigated the Innovation Identity in corporations. Individual questions centered on the message communicated by the nomenclature of the name of the company Product Development process, given the spectrum of the innovation-like or execution-like words that could be chosen. The extent to which the process name is branded, either internally or externally to the company and/or is a registered trademark or servicemark, was also researched. Finally the degree to which the name of the process changed during the past four years of industry emphasis on innovation was explored. Replies to GGI�s 2008 Product Development Metrics Survey were received from 209 companies across a range of industries including industrial and medical products, aerospace, defense, electronics, chemicals, and pure software companies.

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