A79 - Goldense Goldense On R&D-Product Development - IP and Innovation Will Drive Product Development
Machine Design, Penton Publishing, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
June 13, 2013 -- Page 62
Description: The evolution of the "management science" of product development, the processes, tools, techniques one uses to develop products and manage the associated activities, has been evolving rapidly since the early 1980s. This article recaps the history of the first five generations of evolution and discusses the impact of the sixth generation and upcoming seventh generation. "Tech-Push" and "IP-Enabled" product development will challenge designers and developers throughout this decade and beyond.
This article is an ongoing column in Penton Publishing's Machine Design magazine entitled "Goldense On R&D-Product Development." This is first column and it appears in the June 13, 2013 issue of Machine Design magazine.
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