GGI Legacy Site
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Science: Space Exploration
Asteroid Virtual Reality Movies
An asteroid wipes out New York City...
JPL Video Archive
Clips from the Jet Propulsion Labs focusing on Mars Pathfinder and Cassini missions.
NOVA Online
Video from and articles related to the PBS series.
Hubble Space Telescope Movies
Movies and simulations of what Hubble sees.
Virtual Trips to Black Holes and Neutron Stars
Computer animations of black holes and neutron stars.
International Space Station
News, crew info, assembly progress, and pictures.
NASA Observatorium
Public access site for Earth and space data. Lots of pictures.
Asteroids and Comet Impact Hazards
Information on efforts to track asteroids and comets that could impact Earth.
Earth from Space: An Astronaut's View
A sampling of the NASA database of Earth photos from space.
Solar System Simulator
Simulate views of the solar system based on position, date and time.
Space Views
Space policies, launches, events, political developments, and research.
Planet Science
Selected news and features from
New Scientist.