GGI RapidNews R&D Product Development eZine: Volume 9, Issue 4 - April 3, 2008
In This Issue GGI BIENNIAL SURVEY - Update On Our 2007-2008 Primary Research Project MANAGEMENT PRODUCTIVITY -MIT Technology Review - 10 Emerging Technologies GGI METRICS SUMMIT # 8 - June 17 - 19, 2008 - Early Bird Rates In Effect BOOK REVIEW - Marketing Metrics: 50+ Metrics Every Executive Should Master THE WISDOM iSTORE FEATURED PRODUCT 40% OFF - Design Review 10-Pak THE WISDOM iSTORE NEW LISTINGS - No New Products Announced This Month BIENNIAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SURVEY - 2004, 2002, 2000, 1998 Results GATEWAYS TO KNOWLEDGE - A Monthly Feature CALENDAR OF INDUSTRY EVENTS - A Monthly Feature TELEVISION EVENTS - Alexander Haig's World Business Review --------------------------------------------------------------------- GGI BIENNIAL SURVEY - Update On Our 2007-2008 Primary Research Project
This section is an update for the many RapidNews readers that participated in our Biennial Product Development Metrics Survey. The theme of the research this year was "Tangible Innovation" practices, tools, techniques, and metrics. Our research period extended into January 2008 and is now closed.
We received 218 original responses which, after eliminating duplicate and invalid responses, yielded 209 valid surveys. The results will be statistically significant.
We are now entering the analysis and writing phase of the research effort and expect this to take one more month. Participants can expect their complimentary copy of the results some time in May 2008. The report will be available for purchase by non-participants at that same time.
Thank you to all the RN readers that participated in this research effort! You are making a difference for your profession!
MANAGEMENT PRODUCTIVITY - MIT Technology Review - 10 Emerging Technologies
Condensed from Technology Review Magazine, An MIT Publication, April 2008.
Each Year, Technology Review publishes it's list of 10 emerging technologies that it's editors believe will be important over the next few years. Here is a condensation of their list with a brief description of each item. Complete information can be obtained by directly visiting the Technology Review web site.
1. Cellulolytic Enzymes - enzymes used for breaking down cellulose for biofuel production.
2. Reality Mining - cell phone useage information studied to learn more about human behavior and social interraction.
3. Connectomics - computer graphics used to understand the way that information is processed and transferred between different brain areas.
4. Offline Web Applications - desktop software applications that take advantage of technology usually associated with web applications, e.g., HTML, Flash, etc..
5. Graphene Transistors - a substance found in common pencil lead that might be an alternative to silicon that could increase computing speed.
6. Atomic Magnetometers - tiny, low power magnetic sensors that will revolutionize MRI and other magnetic sensor applications.
7. Wireless Power - magnetic resonance coupling used to transmit power wirelessly and efficiently, without waste.
8. Nanoradio - microscale radios based on a nanotube can transmit and receive radio signals. These devices have far ranging potential in wireless technology from drug delivery to cell phones.
9. Probabilistic Chips - error correction technology built into low voltage chips can very soon be used in consumer products like cell phones to increase battery life, and in 10 years help continue the evolution of transistor density predicted by Moore's Law.
10. Modeling Surprise - methodologies used to look at things that surprised us in the past may help us model the things that may surprise us in the future.
GGI METRICS SUMMIT - June 17-19, 2008 - Early Bird Rates In Effect
An integrated metrics program will result in greater speed in new product development, more profitable products, and improved performance of your research and development environment. What does such an integrated program entail? Find out by attending Goldense Group, Inc.'s Product Development Metrics Summit to be held June 17-19, 2008 in metro Boston.
The Metrics Summit is a series of 3 seminars, focused on 3 major areas of importance to R&D executives and managers. Download a Brochure. Download a Summit At-A-Glance.
All three seminars are geared to top-level professionals that manage entire organizations, departments, budgets, and senior program management executives. An excellent approach would include two to four key staff members who could produce a result for the R&D organization as a whole.
If you wish, please view a list of Companies who have participated in prior GGI Summits. We are grateful to the September and December 2005 participants who provided us with a Testimonial, Testimonial. We are grateful to the March and September 2006 participants who provided us with a Testimonial, Testimonial. We are grateful to March and August 2007 participants who provided us with a Testimonial, Testimonial. We are grateful to the January 2008 participants who provided us with a Testimonial.
Reserve your place today - space is limited. Visit us on line to Register. Register by April 18, 2008 to take advantage of our Early Bird Discount. Individuals receive $200 off their registration fee.
Bring your team and come away with your company's solution! This is an excellent opportunity to quickly leverage the power of metrics. Additional discounts apply for teams of 3 or more attending from the same company. Teams of 3 or more receive an additional discount of $225 per person.
Marketing Metrics: 50+ Metrics Every Executive Should Master, by Paul Farris, Phillip E. Pfeifer, Neil T. Bendle, and David Reibstein, Published by Pearson Education, April 2006, First Edition, ISBN-13: 9780131873704.
This book marks the inevitable change that marketing, just as many other business disciplines, is no longer an art, but a science. Quantitative planning and measurement now drive marketers in both product and service-oriented enterprises. The authors lead off with an extensive list of metrics then proceed, in subsequent chapters, to show how these metrics can be used in a range of marketing activities including; promotional strategy, advertising, and distribution. The authors do a great job explaining and interpreting each metric presented. The book finishes with a chapter on how to present these metrics in the format of "dashboards". The authors suggest that the right set of marketing metrics plus corporate financial metrics can provide a good indication of business health as well as a means to informed decision making. Although the topics covered are generally marketing-specific, the concepts, methods, and metrics presented in this book should be understood by anyone in a management position of both large and small companies. Marketing Metrics: 50+ Metrics Every Executive Should Master, was selected by Strategy + Business, as "2006 Marketing Book of the Year." Strategy + Business is a quarterly magazine published by global strategy and technology consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. For more information about Marketing Metrics: 50+ Metrics Every Executive Should Master or to order a copy of the book, go through GGI's Bookstore to the Amazon.com Web Site.
THE WISDOM iSTORE FEATURED PRODUCT 40% OFF - 10 Design Review Checklists
Discounted Item: Periodically, GGI's iStore features one item that we discount 40%. We are now offering our Design Review Checklist 10-Pak, DR10PAKc.
Design Review Checklists (Electronic Copy - Corporate License), Goldense Group, Inc., Needham, MA, USA, $570.00 [List Price $950.00]
The document covers all ten checklists, including a wide range of products, from those with a single technical domain (like mechanical), to those with mixed domains (such as mechanical, electronics and embedded, operating system and/or applications software).
GGI's Featured Item changes approximately every other month and is always offered at 40% discount. To order this material, please go to GGI's Featured Item on the GGI Home Page.
There are no new products being announced this month.
BIENNIAL METRICS SURVEY RESULTS 2004 Product Development Metrics Survey - Product Selection, IP Management, and Top Corporate Metrics: The Summary Report (MR32h) and Highlights Report (MR31h) for GGI's 2004 Biennial Product Development Metrics Survey are now available for purchase by the public through GGI's Wisdom iStore. These reports are completely based on primary research performed by GGI researchers. The research includes 202 respondent companies. There was a 5% response rate.
McKinsey & Company, Texas Instruments, Rockwell, Kimberly Clark, JDS Uniphase, Shure, Curtiss Wright Flight Systems and Datacard are representative of companies that purchase market research from GGI. The 2004 Survey focused on the following five areas of product selection and IP management:
* Product Selection Process
* Product Selection Tools
* IP Management Process
* IP Management Tools
* Top Corporate Metrics Used in Industry RD&E We have already shared many results with GGI RapidNews readers since we began this line of business in 1998. 2004 Survey results ran in six RN issues, RN V5I11 - RN V6I5, which may be found in the RN archives, along with results from prior years. Some additional complimentary information about the survey is available:
The three commercial versions of the survey results that we currently offer for public purchase are: 1. 2004 SURVEY HIGHLIGHTS: A text-only report (75 pages), including the full text of all the results and analysis of the survey population analyzed as a whole, and 2. 2004 SURVEY SUMMARY: A report of composite results, where the survey respondents are analyzed as a whole (149 pages, includes a full set of graphed answers for every survey question).
3. 2004 SURVEY RESULTS: A report of composite results, where the survey respondents are analyzed as a whole AND five different cross-sections of the survey data contrasting Public vs Private, High Tech vs Low Tech, Big vs Small Revenues, Large Number of Employees vs Few Employees, and Process vs Repetitive, vs Discrete vs Job Shop (313 pages, includes a full set of graphed answers for survey questions).
Individual sections of the research reports, as well as logical combinations of sections are also available. All reports are available in printed or electronic versions. These reports are available in the Primary Research Section of The Wisdom iStore.
2002, 2000, 1998 Product Development Metrics Survey: The Summary and Highlights Reports for GGI's prior Biennial Product Development Metrics Surveys
are also available for purchase by the public through The Wisdom iStore. Please select the "Primary Research" button
Information about the purpose and focus of prior survey may be found in our Biennial Survey Archives.
GTK- Gateway to Knowledge is a DIRECTORY OF THOUSANDS OF LINKS to providers of engineering, purchasing, and manufacturing technologies and services. If you hit the right subjects, it is more useful than a search engine! The "main entrance" to GTK can be found at:
For those of you that do not want to go through the main entrance above, some of the Gateways that we believe you will find useful or entertaining are highlighted below.
GGI's Calendar of Industry Events contains an up-to-date listing of links to Conferences, Seminars, Distance Learning Centers, Colleges & Universities, Executive Education, and Corporate-Sponsored Universities. Categories we follow are:
The categories of conferences, seminars, and distance learning are further organized into the following subject areas:
If you are looking for a conference or other learning opportunity, check out the Calendar. This free service for our readers is located in the left side of GGI's Home Page. Look under "Free Tools & Services/Calendar."
TELEVISION EVENTS Alexander Haig's World Business Review: Brad Goldense has made several appearances on Alexander Haig's World Business Review. Streaming video is available for all shows, which aired on August 4, September 29 and December 15, 2002 and on May 20, 2003. See below for details. May 20, 2003 Broadcast of September 29th In-Studio with Alexander Haig (22.5 minutes): Streaming video for this segment is available on GGI's web site. December 15, 2002 In-Studio with Alexander Haig (7.5 minutes) on CNBC paid programming: Streaming video for this segment is available on GGI's web site. September 29, 2002 In-Studio with Alexander Haig (22.5 minutes): Streaming video for this segment (as well as the entire 30-minute show) is available on GGI's web site. August 4, 2002 On-Location at GGI (3.5 minutes): This On-Location field report is available in streaming video on GGI's web site. The web page includes links to download a streaming video player, if you do not currently have one installed on your computer. For more information on any of Brad's appearances on television, go to: http://www.goldensegroupinc.com/ggi-goldense-product-development-tv-television-broadcast.shtml. --------------------------------------------------------------------- GGI RapidNews is an e-mail publication from Goldense Group, Inc (GGI). Its subject matter includes survey findings, company news, book and article reviews, key industry conferences and R&D information of interest to clients and associates. Please send communications to rn(at)goldensegroupinc.com. Thank you. |