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T88 - "Concurrent Product Development: The First Thirty Years 1988-2018"

10th Annual Conference On Concurrent Product Development, Society Of Concurrent Product Development, Inc, Lake Elmo, Minnesota, USA
June 28, 2011 -- [44 Pages]

Description: This presentation was created based on a 9-page paper written for an expert audience that reads "Concurrency" which is a quarterly publication of the Society of Concurrent Product Development Inc. [SCPD] that is focused on Concurrent Engineering and Concurrent Product Development practices [see Technical Paper T84 in The Wisdom iStore]. The paper starts with the evolution of concurrent techniques over the first two decades of concurrent practices -- five distinctive generations of evolution resulting in a "portfolio-driven end-to-end concept-to-customer product development pipeline structured by phases and followed by post-launch reviews." The paper then looks forward a decade or more, based on the extrapolation of emerging practices early in the 21st century, and projects two distinct phases of additional concurrency transformations: Advanced Development and IP-Enabled. The innovation rage in the early 2000s, in and of itself is it not a generation, but it is spawing generations.

Section Titles
  • THE FIRST DECADE: 1988 – 1998
  • THE SECOND DECADE: 1998 – 2008
  • THE THIRD DECADE: 2008 – 2018
  • GENERATION 6: Technology Push
  • GENERATION 6: Technology Push On Organic Innovation
  • GENERATION 6: Technology Push On Open Innovation
  • GENERATION 7: IP-Enabled

For a copy of the Technical Paper, go to The Wisdom iStore. T88 may be located by clicking through Product Categories/Publications/Technical Papers.

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