A99 - What's The Difference Between Research and Development?
Machine Design, Penton Publishing, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
October 9, 2014
The lines are starting to blur between two terms that historically were well differentiated, Research and Development. New products are now being launched out of "innovation organizations" and "advanced development organizations," and not just product development organizations.
Due to a combination of the changing corporate approaches described above, the desires of developers to bring solution to markets and not just a piece of a solution, the globalization of R&D that has decentralized R&D, and naming conventions for product organizations that differ by country, one can no longer just pay attention to product development pipelines to stay abreast of what might be coming to market.
This article also includes the first publication and description in trade media of GGI's flexible strategy framework, "The Continuum of Research and Development."
What's The Difference Between Research and Development[Machine Design - October 9, 2014]discusses industry changes to historical approaches to manage and segment activities in corporate invention and innovation functions and organizations along the continuum of research to development.
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