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A94 - Making Product Development More Innovative

Machine Design, Penton Publishing, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
August 14, 2014

Description: How do companies improve their ability to innovate? 

Some companies have added phases to the front of their processes for brainstorming and/or feasibility investiga- tions. Others assessed their personnel for innovativeness, and then sent the needy folks to training. Many beefed up their research and advanced development organizations (Machine Design, July 17, 2014) in hopes of generating more innovative ideas and technologies for their PDP. Yet others simply added words like “innovation” or “invention” to rename their PDP, thinking that different branding will yield different results. Most are still not satisfied with how much they’ve improved over the past decade. Too many believe they have been in decline.

Why not place more emphasis on improving the innovativeness of the product development process itself?

Making Product Development More Innovative [Machine Design - August 14, 2014] discusses approaches that corporations can use to increase the levels of innovation for products and projects that use the company product development process.

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